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USP 43-NF 38 – Last Print Edition

Type of Posting: General Announcement
Posting Date: 04-Oct-2019

The USP 43–NF 38 is the last edition that will be available in print or on a USB flash drive. Future supplements and editions – including the First and Second Supplements to USP 43–NF 38 – will not be printed or on flash drives. Starting with the First Supplement to USP 43–NF 38 that will be published on February 1, 2020, print and USB flash drive formats will not be available. Only the online format will contain all current USP–NF content.

USP is making these changes to align with the needs and expectations of our stakeholders and enhance support for regulatory compliance. Frequent updates to online systems ensure access to the most current information. Unlike the printed book and USB flash drive, which cannot be updated, the USP–NF Online platform is updated monthly to reflect the latest compendial content changes, including Accelerated Revisions that are posted monthly. In addition, the recent revision of General Notices emphasizes the goal of achieving a single source of official compendial content.  These changes align with the transition to a fully electronic publishing model for USP publications and will also allow USP to target resources toward ongoing enhancements to the USP–NF Online.

USP is committed to ensuring that you have all the information that you need to transition from the print and/or USB flash drive format to an online subscription. Click here for Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) related to the transition from print/USP flash drive formats to the online format.

To minimize the impact on your internal documentation processes, USP has also created a Referencing Guideline to help your organization transition from using edition numbers as a citation reference to referencing documentary standards within the new platform. The new USP–NF Online platform introduces a more document-centric model for the version control and presentation of our documentary standards. Click here for more information.

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