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Amended USP 32–NF 27 Commentary

Type of Posting: Publication Correction

Posting Date: 19-Mar-2009

USP has amended USP 32–NF 27 Commentary posting due to an error. Page 15 of the Commentary described a response in General Notices section 8.20 to define "transfer" as a qualitative manipulation. The text has been amended to correctly state that "transfer" is defined as a quantitative manipulation. The USP 32–NF 27 General Notices section 8.200 correctly states "quantitative."

The Commentary section is not part of the official text of the monograph and is not intended to be enforceable by regulatory authorities. Rather, it explains the basis of the Expert Committee's response to public comments. If there is a difference between the contents of the Commentary section and the official monograph, the text of the official monograph prevails. In case of a dispute or question of interpretation, the language of the official text, alone and independent of the Commentary section, shall prevail.